10 years ago today...

...my sister kayla was born. time really does fly.

i took these two years ago of her:


what a ham :)





she's, like, my little shadow. i <3 her.

these are from today:

happy birthday kayla :)


my dad and kayla

*edit* and now, looking again at the photos from two years ago on the top of this blog, kayla isn't looking at us, the viewers, in any of the pictures. i just realized this now and i'm thinking about it and it's kind of funny. it's almost like she is ignoring us... the older, more adult-ish audience (esp in the three middle ones). she knows we are here, but she is teasing us, or rather, telling us she won't listen to us. i think kids, in general, like to pretend like they aren't listening to what we are saying. i think they want to see what we will do, get a reaction or a rise out of us. (and i can make this statement after working in a daycare for 5 years... heh). she's acting as if she doesn't care what we have to say. she does hear us, she does see us... but she is playing a game.

haha... so yea :)

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