this is for thanksgivingthese are in random order... but i just want to say:
i am thankful that i am alive and well another day.
i am thankful for my family and my dear friends.
i am thankful for everyone who has helped me to become the person i am.
i am thankful for everyone who has ever believed in me.
i am thankful for LOVE... for that is what saved me.
i am thankful for the roof over my head, the clothes i that own, and the food that i eat.
i am thankful for the new car that i have.
i am thankful that i have a brain and can think.
i am thankful for joy.
i am thankful for all the promises that God has made for me.
i am thankful for NJSTARS and being able to attend school tuition free.
i am thankful for music.
i am thankful for freedom and that i am FREE.
i am thankful for the resources available to gain more knowledge.
i am thankful that my parents are still married.
i am thankful for mercy and forgiveness.
i am thankful for the church of Grace and Peace.
i am thankful for Cutting Edge Youth Ministries and all it's leaders especially PJ (Pastor Jim).
i am thankful for all the blessings in my life.
i am thankful for spring time and when flowers bloom.
i am thankful for the sun.
i am thankful for my cute little cat.
i am thankful for the ocean, trees and just nature in general.
i am thankful for creativity.
i am thankful for communication.
i am thankful that i am not alone and i never have to feel alone.
i am thankful for whoever is reading this.
most importantly, i am thankful for Jesus and the sacrifice He has made to save me. He gave His life for me, and because of that, i put my life in His hands. it's the best decision i ever made. He brought me to life... and I love Him.
i feel like there is so much more to add to this list... but i guess this is it for now. i will add more as i think of them. "a thankful heart is a happy heart"- i really do believe this... because it's not until you actually count your blessings that you realize how much you have. it's unbelievable. you can't help but feel just a little bit happier after being a little more grateful for what you have. true story.

believe it or not this picture reminds me of some of the things i'm thankful for...