three things happened saturday night:
1. we ate at friendly's
(this place is like a living memory)
jess and todd

jon, his girlfriend meg, and joe

oh yea ;)

2. we played reindeer games

we also played this question game where we went around in a circle asking the person next to us a question, any question. and they ask the person next to them a question and so on and so forth. you don't answer any questions. you can't take a while to think about a question or you're out, you gotta be quick. you can't laugh while you're asking the question or your out. you can't ask a question that has already been asked before or you're out. and you have to look the person directly in the eyes while you're asking. unbelievably funny.
etc etc
3. we watched the following movie 'til 4 am

great night with great people. and what is so crazy is everyone lives in different states now. jess is in new york, jon is in pennsylvania, todd is virginia, joe is in texas, and i'm the only one left in jersey. haha. but i'm sooo happy that we were all finally able to get together this break.
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